Iraq Situation Report: September 30-October 1, 2014
October 1, 2014 -
There is an ongoing anti-ISIS effort in northern Iraq led by the Peshmerga and Iraqi Sunni tribes.
There is an ongoing anti-ISIS effort in northern Iraq led by the Peshmerga and Iraqi Sunni tribes.
The Peshmerga and Iraqi Sunni tribes supported by U.S. airstrikes cleared the area of Rabia on the Iraq-Syria border.
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) continues to escalate its campaign in Anbar.
ISIS launched a new attack from strongholds in northern Iraq to control the Syrian-Iraqi border crossing north of Sinjar mountain.
Continued clashes in Ramadi indicate ISIS’s intent to capture the city.
The anti-ISIS U.S. air campaign continues to expand in Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) continues its campaign to solidify its control in Anbar.
The Peshmerga are applying tactical pressure to ISIS on the ground east of Mosul and in northern Diyala.
Jabhat al-Nusra (JN) continues attempts to consolidate control in northern Syria, although its willingness to submit to Shari’a adjudication with other rebel factions in Idlib indicates this may not come at the expense of its relationships with rebel groups.
The Afghanistan ORBAT (in PDF format) describes the location and area of responsibility of all American units in Afghanistan, down to the battalion level, updated as of February 2016..