
Weekly Iraq Update #39

September 26, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

September 19, 2012-September 26, 2012 Protests present political opportunities, Syrian conflict reveals weaknesses, New movements and old issues in provincial elections process

The Islamic State of Iraq and the 'Destroying the Walls' Campaign

September 21, 2012 - Sam Wyer

ISI's 'Destroying the Walls' summer campaign targeted a combination of security posts, government facilities, and Shi’ite shrines and neighborhoods.

Weekly Iraq Update #38

September 19, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

September 12, 2012-September 19, 2012 Anti-film protests spread throughout Iraq, IHEC vote provokes dissent

Jihad in Syria

September 17, 2012

This report examines the presence of jihadist groups in Syria, explains where Syrian rebel groups and foreign elements fall along the spectrum of religious ideology, and considers their effect on the Islamification of the Syrian opposition.

The Campaign for North Syria

September 17, 2012 - Joseph Holliday

The ongoing campaign for Aleppo has taken place not only in the city’s neighborhoods, but also throughout Aleppo and Idlib province, as regime and opposition forces maneuver for control of critical lines of supply.

Unpacking Afghanistan’s Ministerial Shake-up: Karzai’s Next Move

September 14, 2012 - Mara Tchalakov

In a controversial and blatantly political move, President Hamid Karzai selected the ousted Mohammadi to replace General Wardak as Minister of Defense.

Weekly Iraq Update #37

September 12, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

September 6, 2012-September 12, 2012- Vice President Hashemi sentenced to death, Al-Qaeda in Iraq claims attacks

Political Update: The Hashemi Verdict & the Health of Democracy in Iraq

September 11, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

On Sunday, Iraq’s Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi was sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence demonstrates the politicization of the Iraqi judicial system under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who has commandeered Iraq’s legal institutions to consolidate power.

Iraq Weekly Update #36

September 6, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

August 31, 2012-September 6, 2012--Iran resumes shipments of military equipment to Syria through Iraqi airspace, corruption plagues Defense Ministry.

The Haqqani Network: a Foreign Terrorist Organization

September 5, 2012

From sanctuaries in Pakistan’s tribal areas, the Haqqani family hosts a variety of high-value terrorists, including senior members of al-Qaeda, Pakistani Taliban, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Lashkar-e Taiba and smaller terrorist entities linked to attacks in the UK. It also supports a global jihadist ideology that transcends objectives in Afghanistan.
