Iraq's Post-Withdrawal Crisis, Update 32
August 3, 2012 - Stephen WickenJuly 27, 2012-August 3, 2012- Spillover from the Syrian conflict heightened tensions between Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Turkey this week.
July 27, 2012-August 3, 2012- Spillover from the Syrian conflict heightened tensions between Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Turkey this week.
The Syrian port of Tartus is the only naval base outside of the former Soviet Union still held by the Russian military, and the Russian government has asserted its strategic significance.
July 16, 2012-July 20, 2012-Rebels Take Over Syrian Border Checkpoints, Obama Responds To Maliki’s Inquiry On Exxon
July 6, 2012-July 16, 2012 White House Says Daqduq Issue Not Closed,
This backgrounder provides a technical description of the Turkish RF-4E, the Syrian air defenses, analysis of the differing radar snapshots provided by Syria and Turkey, and analysis of the current situation.
June 29, 2012-July 6, 2012- Sadrists Back Down, IHEC: Provincial Elections Delayed, Al-Qaeda Militants Crossing Into Syria
This monograph provides a framework for understanding operational art in counterinsurgency campaigns. In addition to the framework, the monograph describes how one set of strategic civil-military leaders achieved sufficient alignment in order to produce unity of effort and coherency of action throughout the civil-military organization.
Maliki Requests U.S. To Stop Exxon Operations, Nujaifi Threatens to Summon Maliki, Panetta: Daqduq Will Not Be Released
This report examines the increasing effectiveness of Syria’s armed opposition, explains how responsible provincial-level military structures have emerged, and considers how uncoordinated external support could compound existing fractures within the opposition.