Ukraine Crisis Update: August 20, 2015
Aug 20, 2015 - Hugo SpauldingRussian-backed separatists launched a rare artillery barrage on the northeastern outskirts of the strategic government-held port city of Mariupol on August 16.
Russian-backed separatists launched a rare artillery barrage on the northeastern outskirts of the strategic government-held port city of Mariupol on August 16.
The Afghan government announced the death of former Taliban leader Mullah Omar on July 29, 2015, and the Taliban confirmed the report the subsequent day. Widespread knowledge of Mullah Omar’s death will exacerbate existing fractures within the Taliban and accelerate a power grab among several prominent individuals who have fundamental disagreements over the objectives of the movement.
ISIS launched a large complex attack against ISF and Iraqi Shi’a militia positions in Baiji district on August 14, recapturing several parts of the city in an offensive that involved between 7-10 VBIEDs, direct and indirect fire, and up to 200 gunmen.
Prime Minister (PM) Haidar al-Abadi is pushing ahead with his political reform initiative following the unanimous passing of his reform bill on August 11 by the Council of Representatives (CoR).
On August 10, Russian-backed separatist forces launched their largest combined arms assault against Ukrainian forces in the past two months.
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani’s landmark August 7 sermon has provided PM Abadi with a mandate to embark on administrative, financial, and anti-corruption reforms.
The ISIS Sanctuary Maps from the last 14 months (and longer) show how ISW has tracked the conflict and become the recognized expert on ISIS's expansion. As we approach the one-year anniversary of U.S. and coalition airstrikes against ISIS, we have collected all our Sanctuary Maps, along with examples of where they have appeared, to help show the role ISW is proud to have played in tracking ISIS.
Reports that the U.S. is considering establishing forward bases to counter ISIS's affiliates in Libya and Afghanistan reflect the increasing regional capability and momentum of the group in the Near Abroad. ISIS likely will gain new support in Afghanistan and possibly globally due to the death of the Taliban's leader, Mullah Omar.
Popular demonstrations have continued and have spread in southern and northern Iraq in a development that may eventually threaten PM Abadi’s political standing, the stability of southern Iraq, and challenge the Iraqi government’s ability to dedicate national resources to the anti-ISIS campaign.
Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine continued to launch indirect fire and probing infantry attacks against Ukrainian forces in a similar pattern to recent weeks as negotiators from Kyiv, Moscow and the separatist “republics” convened in Minsk to discuss the failing February 2015 ‘Minsk II’ ceasefire agreement.