Kimberly Kagan

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Basic pageMilitary Learning and the Future of War Project Kimberly Kagan010 months 1 week ago
CommentaryQ&A with Brian Lamb, C-SPAN Kimberly Kagan02 years 3 months ago
Other WorkThe Patton of Counterinsurgency Kimberly Kagan02 years 9 months ago
NewsOpinion: Is Iraq Lost? Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
NewsOpinion: Courting Disaster in Afghanistan Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
NewsWeekly Standard: The Iraq War Is Not Over Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other WorkHow They Did It (The Weekly Standard) Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other WorkThe New Strategy in Iraq: General Petraeus Learns From Past U.S. Mistakes (The Weekly Standard) Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other WorkSuccess Against Al Qaeda Depends on Success in Afghanistan (The Weekly Standard) Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other Work"The Cost of Dithering" (Weekly Standard) Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other Work"Don't Go Wobbly on Afghanistan" (The Weekly Standard) Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other Work"Yes, We Can. In the 'graveyard of empires' we are fighting a war we can win" in the Weekly Standard Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other WorkThe Endgame in Iraq (The Weekly Standard) Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other WorkThe Future of Iraq (The Weekly Standard) Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
Other WorkWhat Happened in Basra Kimberly Kagan02 years 10 months ago
BackgrounderMilitary Learning and the Future of War Kimberly Kagan03 years 10 months ago
BackgrounderIraq Situation Report Kimberly Kagan05 years 4 weeks ago
BackgrounderThe U.S. Response to Basra and Iraq's Crisis Kimberly Kagan05 years 10 months ago
BackgrounderA New Strategy Against ISIS and al Qaeda Kimberly Kagan07 years 4 months ago
ReportAl Qaeda and ISIS: Existential Threats to the U.S. and Europe Kimberly Kagan08 years 1 week ago
ReportA Strategy to Defeat The Islamic State Kimberly Kagan08 years 4 months ago
BackgrounderHow Russia controls American policy Kimberly Kagan08 years 4 months ago
ReportCompeting Visions for Syria and Iraq: The Myth of an Anti-ISIS Grand Coalition Kimberly Kagan08 years 5 months ago
BackgrounderWhat to do and to don’t in response to the Paris attacks Kimberly Kagan08 years 6 months ago
BackgrounderPutin Ushers in a New Era of Global Geopolitics Anonymous (not verified)08 years 8 months ago
