
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 20, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a major information operation during his recent visit to North Korea and Vietnam on June 18 and 19 aimed at sabotaging efforts by Ukraine's partners to clearly define a common strategic objective and strategy to decisively defeat Russia’s illegal war of conquest in Ukraine. Ukraine’s partners undertook several important steps in mid-June to cohere a common strategy and define the desired strategic outcome of the war. Over 80 Western and international officials recently established a principled position on supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as the foundation of lasting peace in Ukraine in a communique adopted during the Ukraine-led Global Peace Summit on June 16.

Iran Update, June 20, 2024

The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee issued a statement suggesting a consensus among Iranian-backed Iraqi militias to resume attacks targeting US forces. This is its first coordinated statement since attacks on US forces paused in January 2024 that suggests such a consensus.  The committee said on June 19 that its militia members would use “all available means“ to achieve “full“ Iraqi sovereignty.

Tom Thacker


Tom Thacker is an ArcGIS Geospatial Researcher at the Institute for the Study of War. Tom graduated from the University of Cape Town with an MSc in Conservation Biology before moving to Washington to join ISW as a Geospatial Intelligence intern. He previously used GIS tools to carry out scientific research in the Pacific
